Thursday, October 16, 2008

Simple Fun

We had a great night of simple fun the other evening. We all rode our bikes (Joy in the front pack) around campus until we found a great grassy spot under a huge tree. I threw down a blanket and we had a sweet time of reading. Currently we are reading about David Livingstone and his missionary work in Africa during the mid 1800's. It is amazing where he went and how long it took him!!

It was a great evening even though the mosquitos were after us and Ryan had to make a mad dash with Elijah to a bathroom at one point.

I don't think we'll be able to do it again until spring. I'll be working on planning some more simple fun while we wait for warmer weather once again.

Here is a great link to inspire some simple thoughts for your day.



HeatherMM said...

Sounds like a nice evening. We've had fun playing board games in the evening when the weather is bad.

DSusic said...

Oh... that sounds like so much fun! You guys are such a great family! I sure wish you lived closer though....:)