Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another Baby????

Just when I think I'm starting to look good again a seven year old dashes my dreams! The neighbor girl just asked me if I am going to have another baby. I said, "no, do I look like it (said in my nicest tone I swear)" "ya, kinda she said, just a little."

Well bummer, now the decision do I go eat ice cream and try to drowned my sorrow, or pump out 50 crunches. I think I'll go for the crunches since I just finished off the Kashi cookie that came in the mail!


Anonymous said...

WHAT??? Who is this neighbor? You look great!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel! My 5 year old came up to me a while back with an excited look on her face, and she said " Mommy! You are going to have another baby! Look your tummy is growing!" Ugh! I had to give her the sad news that no. I am not having a baby. Just left overs from when she was in my tummy..

I am excited about getting your blog designed! I will be able to work on it more this afternoon!
