Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kid's say the funniest things!

s=sophie, m=me

S "I want God to give me a present."
M "What kind of present?"
S "I want a present to make people blind."
M, a bit scared at this moment, "make people blind?"
S "yeah, I want to make bad people blind, like if they say Jesus is Lord, but don't really believe it, I want to make them blind."
M, not sure what to say at this point, "oh"

The story went on for a bit, sadly we got interrupted before I was able to ask her what she hoped would come of them becoming blind. It is interesting to see the passion such small children can have for the Lord. What a cool thing really. Not that I approve in making all "bad" people blind, but who knows maybe she's onto something. Obviously it worked for Saul.


DSusic said...

Wow that awesome to see how much she cares about this. Way to go Sophie!

Judie said...

I am operating in the dark ages, and have to say, this is my first BLOG response.

How cool to see pictures of Joy! I can't believe, well, yes I can, how beautiful Sophie is and how precious Elijah is.
Egads, I don't think there's spell-check!
So, are you still living in an encampment with starchy mass produced food?
I've lost track of your adventures. Now that summer's over, I'm sure you're on to something new.

I took 3 months off from Shriners and am now returning to my job at Sullivan Park Care Center.
I may also pick up buildings in Ellensburg and Toppenish. Kevin says getting Toppenish is divine intervention as my dad lives 30 minutes from there in Yakima. He's 91 now,

Judie said...

and recently diagnosed with Congestive heart failure.

Gotta go. Only a few minutes left on the library computer. I'm too cheap to keep DSL at home!!

Love, Judie