Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I finally took the plunge and tried something new!

My good friend Karen told me a few years ago how she has made money on Amazon by selling books. She sold her old text books and books that she would bid on at auctions. I have been compiling a box of books, but I just thought it would take too much time and so I hadn't done it. I hate all the little details that come with most Internet stuff!! Well, finally I decided to try it. I guess the growing list of "I want to buy...." plus the very empty wallet gave me the incentive I have been needing.

As of today I have sold 4 books in just over a week and have made over $60!! Of course I already have plans via my amazon wish list for the $60, but it's all for homeschooling supplies, so that's ok--- right???

I'm telling ya, if you have books taking up space at your house and you'd like a little cash, this is easy!! It only took me a few minutes to set everything up and then another 3-5 minutes to post each book. You can go to http://www.amazon.com/gp/seller/sell-your-stuff.html?ie=UTF8&ref=ya%5Fhp%5Faz%5F2 and get started right now!

Let me know if you have done this or if you start!!


Anonymous said...

That sounds great with the old books. Wish I had of thought of that before we moved. IS it really that easy !
Miss you. Joy looks great.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I have books to sell but haven't gotten the time to sell it on amazon yet! Don't you have to spend a lot on packaging? I have to figure it out!

Grand Forks Mommy said...

It truly is that easy! And Amazon gives you a set amount to cover shipping. The only problem some people have with them is that they take 15%, but I figure I'm making more than I was when they were just collecting dust!